
Hi my name is Jenna and I live in Vancouver with my beautiful boyfriend Shawn. I am currently in Nursing school and find that creating beautiful things everyday keeps me sane! I love to quilt/sew/craft/paint/cook/take photos/DIY all while having fun! I hope you enjoy this blog of all my creations and find inspiration to make your own creations. XO JCL

Update: 5 years later… A BSN degree, a husband, 2 kids, moving to a new city and a new house. so much has changed in our lives except for my love of creating new things. Although, my creative time is now stifled by life, I still think about creating daily and don’t feel accomplished in my day if a don’t have some little project on the go. It may take 10 times longer to create anything but I have still been plugging away.Ā  My Pinterest board called “make it” is growing and my “made it” board has not changed. Its time to do some updating and look forward to creating new things, possibly with a kid spin on things to include the kiddos.


4 responses to “About

  1. Jenna Claire, you are mad talented! No surprise though, you always were! I love reading about and seeing your creations. Keep it up. xo.
    steph (stevie)

    • Thank you so much Stevie! I have so much fun creating super cute things. šŸ™‚ I too love reading your blog of all your adventures in motherhood. You are a very talented writer. The way you put words together makes me want to read more and more. I hope everything is well with you and your super cute family. XO

  2. I have just discovered your blog, and I couldn’t be more impressed! You are very talented šŸ™‚ I have recently been thinking about taking up quilting. My sewing skills are limited but I really love the creativity of quilting…it looks like fun! You quilts are beautiful — how long have you been quilting for? I am obsessed with your queen size faux chenille and was wondering how long it might take me to get to that level. Thanks -Shel

    • Thanks Shel, I actually just started quilting 2 years ago. I do come from a very creative family so picking up a book about quilting and a sewing machine was pretty easy for me. I just followed tutorials from other experienced quilters and come up with my own style. That is how I was inspired to blog about my own creations. Im sure you have the ability to do it too. Just follow great tutoirals step by step and you will create your own unique quilts. Have fun creating!


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